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What to expect from your Reflexology treatment


Reflexology is a relaxed and gentle, non-invasive treatment that works with touch, predominantly on the feet, ankles and lower legs and can be used on the face and ears. It should not be uncomfortable and I will work with you to adapt my technique and pressure to ensure your comfort.

Your first appointment will start with a short medical history and lifestyle consultation (with a cup of tea!) so that I can tailor your treatments to you and your individual needs. You can share any questions you may have and discuss your reasons and hopes for your session.


I will then invite you to remove shoes and socks, get comfortable in our reclining chair, offer a blanket, recline you with pillows and cushions for support and begin your treatment. The Reflexology at Salvere Wellbeing involves cleansing of the feet with soft cotton wipes and cooled boiled water, applying a wax to the feet, a gentle massage and relaxation of the feet as part of your forty-five minute treatment which will include a variety of reflexology techniques to soothe, relax and balance. Each treatment may differ depending on what is noticed during the session and what you decide you would like us to focus upon.


I encourage you to recline, take a deep breath, close your eyes and make the most of this wonderful, restorative therapy.



Who can have a Reflexology treatment?

Reflexology is a gentle therapy. However, there are times when it may not be the right treatment for you, for example,


if you have an open wound or infection on your feet

if you have a contagious or notifiable disease

if you have a Deep Vein Thrombosis 


If you would like to ask about whether Reflexology would be right for you, please do not hesitate to get in touch.  CONTACT



Treatments are given in a purpose-built cabin in our private garden. Access is via a gated, narrow walkway and there is a step up into the cabin. Likewise, there are steps for bathroom access. If getting to the cabin would not work for you, please do not feel you are unable to book a treatment. Go ahead and get in touch to discuss the possibility of a mobile visit. CONTACT




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